October 15, 2009

Finally 40!!!

Well, here it is... finally... I turned the "BIG 4-0" today! A day that I worried I would not see. My thirties was filled with many wonderful and not so wonderful things. Like especially in my early thirties was spent mostly with me in the hospital, and then later caring for my dying father and grandmother. I had several life threatening problems-- blood infections (sepsis); brain/ shunt infections (meningitis); bone marrow problems, etc... where I essentially "lived" in the hospitals for so long. In this decade I saw my 4 & 7 year old children turn into the now 14 & 17 year old WONDERFUL, compassionate, mature & loving people that they are today! Back then I worried that I'd not be here for them, and for me to see them grow up. And here we are... although this is DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH... I feel SO BLESSED at this point to see them both in high school, happy, and healthy!

At times my illness consumed me, I just could not get out of the problems that I was having and I focused so much time and energy into it. I saw this illness take my job that I loved and prevent me from working... but I also decided that was not going to be the "end" of it for me... so I found a way to "give back". Working with others who suffer the same illness that I do, I found a way to "make a difference". My story is not done. I plan to be back to work one day... maybe not back in the ICU (but heck, I've seen enough of the Intensive Care Units anyhow!) :) ... but I'll get back there. For now, I am happy being my best friend's wife, two beautiful kid's mom, a friend to all of my friends... and most of all... I'll be happy being "40"!

Thank you to all of my amazing family & friends & everyone else I've had the privilege of enjoying life with! This has been a GREAT 40 years! ...and now I'm looking forward to the next 40!


  1. Cyndi,
    I know this is a very difficult struggle to "know" what to do. But what I do know, is YOU are a very strong lady and I know you will get through this.

    I love your blog, nice job.

    Take Care,

  2. Hi Cyndi,
    I am a new friend of yours on facebook and just started reading your blog. I am having surgery on December 28th and hope to be able to write a blog just like this one on April 14th, which is my 40th birthday! Love reading your blogs...thank you :)
